In my hometown of Jamshedpur, in a world that still harbours modern stigmas i have a very distinguished identity; that of a dropper. Someone who couldnt make it to college, someone who has in full concience deluded himself and his family. I am not allowed a trial, just declared guilty. They pretend its not there, but it very much is. Its there in the condescending questions, its there in the sympathetic consoling, its there in the prolonged stares, its there in the sheer disappointment and its there in the reminiscence of all that i could be and all that couldnt live up to.
To say the least its taxing. It makes you doubt yourself and every notion of the perfect day that you are pursuing seems far away, and all that remains is resentment, despondency, disappointment and condescension.You cant tell anyone that you believe in larger things, hell you cant even tell yourself that. You cant tell anyone that you have high ambitions. You cant tell anyone that you wanna be a millionaire. No sir, you have lost that right. That right was officially taken away from you by a webpage that informed you of your sorry fate and further by your decision to see what else is in store for you.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
I heard this for the millionth time when the man who went by the name of Steve Jobs passed away. I listened to this because it sounded great but i could never relate to it. Nevertheless i believed in the concept of a perfect world where Jobs' sayings could be true. But inside i knew that moving to Delhi had been transformational for me. For me the journey had been about all that i could do and all that i could create.
Living in Delhi had taught me a hell lot of things, it had taught me to live, to believe and the power of wanting things bad, the power of hope, hope when things dont go for you, hope when you've fallen, hope when the going gets tough. Hope and undying faith because when you believe in something despite all odds, miracles happen. It had taught me to be in love. It had taught me that there is never gonna be a better me than me.
So here's the thing that i believe will shun all the negativity and the condescension. I dont care one bit about what you have to say. I believe in me. I believe that a better day is just round a corner. I believe that there are newer horizons that i am gonna reach out to. I believe even when its all gonna be held against me. I believe... More than anything else. I believe in me.
Hell yeah, i believe in me...
Well written...:)
And good luck...and just remember..IIT is not the end of the world!
Nice Gud well written..........Carry on with ur self confidence..
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